BIU Mistrovství Evropy zrušeno

biu_logoPodezřelé ticho v éteru ohledně plánovaného BIU Mistrovství Evropy je u konce, bohužel se špatným výsledkem. Původní informace odposlechnutá z katalánských zdrojů byla nahrazena novou oficiální zprávou: šampionát byl zrušen. Zdůvodnění dále v textu.

Dear companions,

I’m sorry to have to say that after many attempts to keep the European Championship we had scheduled for September 30th, we finally have to cancel it.

The original factor is the coincidence of date the same weekend in which the government of Catalonia has announced the referendum of independence for October 1st.

With this new situation it was impossible to make either the European Championship or the “Benet Games” so all events were moved to the following weekend October 7.
But that weekend of October 7, several delegates told me that on that date they have scheduled national championships. After many contacts, we have reached the conclusion that if we make the European Championship would have a very low participation, which makes it unfeasible and would discredit it.

For these reasons we have decided to cancel it with great pity.

Equally we will make the competition like national championship, but not European.

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused, but they are greater forces that escape our responsibility and control.

I ask you to publish it as soon as possible on the BIU website for the knowledge of all.


Josep Abant

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